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Database Services


Optimiza la gestión de tus bases de datos DB2 IBM i con nuestros servicios profesionales. Asegura el rendimiento, la escalabilidad y la seguridad de tu información empresarial. 💻🔐

This is how it works:

Our Database Specialists will complete the "DB2 for i Performance Check Up" complete. We will analyze your transactions, the information that is and is not offering the best performance and determine how they could be more efficient through the appropriate settings for DB2 for i.


Within the hours after our visit, you will receive a written report with the results of our Analysis of your database needs. It will include specific hardware and software recommendations that help optimize the performance of your applications.


  • Recommendations of the Observations in the Performance Check for its execution.

  • Changes to file parameters on which IBM recommends to improve its Performance

  • Optimization of queries executed against the database that consume a lot of CPU resources (SQL or QUERY).

  • Analysis of SQL statements that take a long time to execute, to improve them.

Additional services:

  • On-site counseling is offered to train database staff in analyzing SQL statements and improving their performance.

  • Courses are offered in DB2 for i, for creating DLLs and getting the best performance of the Database, failing to execute programming code lines.

  • Courses are offered in the Operations Browser, in which the participant will learn how to use the Graphical screen to manage the iSeries and the Database.

Skills Database Services

Powerful reporting and research to meet stringent auditing requirements

Service skills number one, two, three

Specially designed to control IBM i security events, monitor and audit.

Restrict access to the most vulnerable services to protect information.

Do you want to

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